I wish I had a man and not a dishrag printed over with big words like 'constitutional rights' and 'progress'!
Christina SteadYe want to tell the plain truth all your life, woman, and speak straight; otherwise ye get to seeing double.
Christina SteadAll new money is made through the shifting of social classes and the dispossession of old classes.
Christina SteadFinanciers are great mythomaniacs, their explanations and superstitions are those of primitive men; the world is a jungle to them.They perceive acutely that they are at the dawn of economic history.
Christina SteadIf misery spelled revolt, we should have had nothing but revolt from the beginning of time. On the contrary, it is quite rare.
Christina SteadYou want to be free and break new ground, speak your mind, fear no man, have the neighbours acknowledge that you're a good man; and at the same time you want to be a success, make money, join the country club, get the votes and kick the other man in the teeth and off the ladder.
Christina SteadI know your breed; all your fine officials debauch the younger girls who are afraid to lose their jobs: that's as old as Washington.
Christina SteadHumorists are always pessimists. They're reactionaries: because they see that every golden cloud has a black lining.
Christina SteadIntuition is not infallible; it only seems to be the truth. It is a message which we may interpret wrongly.
Christina SteadThere'll be no sense in sexual theories until women start telling their minds; and, of course, until they have some.
Christina SteadA mother! What are we worth really? They all grow up whether you look after them or not. That poor miserable brat of his is growing up, and I certainly licked the hide off her; and she's seen marriage at its worst, and now she's dreaming about 'supermen' and 'great men'. What is the good of doing anything for them?
Christina Steadit's immoral to work to make money. There's something unlucky in it. You got to work for the work. You got to work on a farm, for the farm - then it makes money.
Christina SteadA mother! What are we worth really? They all grow up whether you look after them or not.
Christina SteadNo rich man is a patriot, no rich man is a friend. They have all only got one fatherland the Ritz-Carlton; and one friend the mistress they're promising to divorce their wives for.
Christina SteadTo me, all the juice of a book is in an unpublished manuscript, and the published book is like a dead tree - just good for cutting up and building your house with.
Christina SteadThe Chinese are a knowing people; and I daresay that is why they once made a religious odor about old age; to prevent their sons from seeing their own future.
Christina SteadA bank is a confidence trick. If you put up the right signs, the wizards of finance themselves will come in and ask you to take their money.
Christina SteadThe City is a machine miraculously organised for extracting gold from the seas, airs, clouds, from barren lands, holds of ships, mines, plantations, cottage hearth-stones, trees and rocks; and he, wretchedly waiting in the exterior halls, could not even get his finger on one tiny, tiny lever.
Christina Steadmoney that is in billions and monopolies isn't money at all, because the people have none, and money is democratic, everyone has to have some or there's none at all.
Christina SteadSocialist writers are made of sterner stuff than those who only let their characters steeplechase through trouble in order to comeout first in the happy ending of moral uplift.
Christina SteadBehind the concept of woman's strangeness is the idea that a woman may do anything: she is below society, not bound by its law, unpredictable; an attribute given to every member of the league of the unfortunate.
Christina SteadI do not want to go to heaven; I want my children, forever children, and other children, stalwart adults, and a good happy wife, that is all I ask, but not paradise; earth is good enough for me: it is because I believe earth is heaven, Naden, that I can overcome all my troubles and face down my enemies.
Christina SteadIf equity and human natural reason were allowed there would be no law, there would be no lawyers.
Christina SteadWomen are outside the law; they make nothing, they say yes or no to some collections of whereases.
Christina SteadAll middle-class novels are about the trials of three, all upper-class novels about mass fornication, all revolutionary novels about a bad man turned good by a tractor.
Christina SteadThe French are a tremendously verbal race: they kill you with their assurances, their repetitions, their reasons, their platitudes, their formulae, their propositions, their solutions.
Christina SteadA woman can't be, until a girl dies. . . . I mean the sprites that girls are, so different from us, all their fancies, their illusions, their flower world, the dreams they live in.
Christina Stead