Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep...wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky his is to have you....The one who turns to his friends and says, 'that's her.'
Chuck PalahniukHow I feel is cheap and used, dirty and humiliated. Dirty and tricked and thrown away.
Chuck PalahniukWhen I first started writing, there was no way I'd write a sex scene. That just seemed impossible. That's why in "Fight Club" all the sex happens off-screen. It's all just a noise on the other side of the wall or the ceiling. I just couldn't bring to write in a scene like that. So one of the challenges with "Choke" was I wanted to write sex scenes until I was really comfortable just writing them in a very mechanical way.
Chuck PalahniukKids, she says. When theyโre little, they believe everything you tell them about the world. As a mother, youโre the world almanac and the encyclopedia and the dictionary and the Bible, all rolled up together. But after they hit some magic age, itโs just the opposite. After that, youโre either a liar or a fool or a villain.
Chuck PalahniukAll major publishing houses have these big fat biographies sitting there, waiting for people to die. All you have to do is slap on the end and put in on the market. It's that kind of commoditization and completion of your life before you die - and this kind of imposition of a public idea of self that replaces the actual living self - that I find so frightening.
Chuck Palahniuk