My writing has to excite people and depict or include their experiences. That's part of my process - to go out and interact with people. It's very much like an archival process. I understand that the Brothers Grimm would go out and get people talking so they could document folk tales that weren't being documented any other way. I try to offer a little bit of myself - some experience from my life that evokes stories in other people.
Chuck PalahniukI figure if Eve could get us into this mess, I could get us out. After all, God really likes to see a go-getter.
Chuck PalahniukYou don't have ideas when you're sitting in that sort of sterile little place, and you're not around people. The most boring scenes are the scenes where a character is alone. I just need that dynamic of other people around me to get my work done.
Chuck PalahniukHysteria is impossible without an audience. Panicking by yourself is the same as laughing alone in an empty room. You feel really silly.
Chuck PalahniukDestruction is always an attractive idea. My brother and I used to spend weeks making models of cities so that we could destroy them in 15 minutes. There's a fantastic joy in destroying something that you've meticulously built. Then you're free to build a new thing. Destruction and creation they're inseparable.
Chuck Palahniuk