On resigning as collaborator on the memoirs of the former Wallis Warfield Simpson, new summaries, 6 October 1955. You can't make the Duchess of Windsor into Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm.
Cleveland AmoryOpera is like a husband with a foreign title: expensive to support, hard to understand, and therefore a supreme social challenge.
Cleveland AmoryI consider the 3 most cruelly produced foods to be from lobsters, dropped alive into boiling water, veal from calves separated from their mothers and kept in crates, and pate de foie gras.
Cleveland AmoryIt has long been a theory of mine and I am known, if I do say so, for my long theories that authors, generally speaking, are rotten letter writers.
Cleveland AmoryUnlike some people who have experienced the loss of an animal, I did not believe, even for a moment, that I would never get another. I did know full well that there were just too many animals out there in need of homes for me to take what I have always regarded as the self-indulgent road of saying the heartbreak of the loss of an animal was too much ever to want to go through with it again. To me, such an admission brought up the far more powerful admission that all the wonderful times you had with your animal were not worth the unhappiness at the end.
Cleveland Amory