Love and compassion ... are the ultimate source of human happiness, and the need for them lies at the very core of our being.
Dalai LamaThe essence of any religion is good heart. Sometimes I call love and compassion a universal religion. This is my religion.
Dalai LamaAll living beings have experience of pleasure and pain, and we are among them. What makes human beings different is that we have a powerful intelligence and a much greater ability to achieve happiness and avoid suffering. Real happiness and friendship come not from money or even knowledge, but from warm-heartednes s. Once we recognize this we will be more inclined to cultivate it.
Dalai LamaI pray for all of us, oppressor and friend, that together we succeed in building a better world through human understanding and love, and that in doing so we may reduce the pain and suffering of all sentient beings.
Dalai LamaDon't become a Buddhist. The world doesn't need Buddhist. Do practice Compassion. The world needs more compassion.
Dalai LamaThe lessons we have begun to learn make me hopeful, that human beings will become friendlier, more harmonious, less harmful. Compassion and the seeds of peace will be able to flourish. At the same time, every individual is responsible to help guide our global family in the right direction. Good wishes alone are not enough; we have to take responsibility. Large human movements spring from individual human initiatives
Dalai Lama