Suppose you had inherited the same body and temperament and mind that Al Capone had. Suppose you had had his environment and experiences. You would then be precisely what he was. . . . For it is those things - and only those things - that made him what he was. . . . You deserve very little credit for being what you are - and remember, the people who come to you irritated, bigoted, unreasoning, deserve very little discredit for being what they are.
Dale CarnegieIf you are not in the process of becoming the person you want to be, you are automatically engaged in becoming the person you don't want to be.
Dale CarnegieDo the thing you fear to do and keep on doing it... that is the quickest and surest way ever yet discovered to conquer fear.
Dale CarnegieYou can get ahead in the world. But you will have to work, you will have to want tremendously to accomplish something, and then be willing to pay the price. Are you willing?
Dale CarnegieForget yourself by becoming interested in others. Do every day a good deed that will put a smile of joy on someone's face.
Dale Carnegie