Developing a diet that is healthful, balanced, and appropriate for your particular caloric needs is easy enough and is absolutely critical to establishing a healthful lifestyle that incorporates proper nutrition, adequate fitness, and mental resilience.
Daphne OzI want to be a vehicle to help people connect the dots that let them make their lives healthier, happier, more beautiful, and more fun.
Daphne OzI love to look at my life and look at what I can do better, how I can contribute more and where I can push myself.
Daphne OzI was a good 30 pounds overweight throughout high school, and it wasn't until I was going away to college that I really wanted to make sure I was doing everything possible to feel as confident as I could.
Daphne OzIn addition to that, having the items I needed to foster the breastfeeding process and give me an opportunity to bond with my baby in this way was something that I felt was so important in my life and my experience as a first-time mom. I love that I am able to play a role in giving that joy and support to the moms we will be helping.
Daphne Oz