If you're like most members of the Baby Boom generation, you decided somewhere along the line, probably after about four margaritas, to have children. This was inevitable. Mother Nature, in her infinite wisdom, has instilled within each of us a powerful biological instinct to reproduce; this is her way of assuring that the human race, come what may, will never have any disposable income.
Dave BarryThe old system of having a baby was much better than the new system, the old system being characterized by the fact that the man didn't have to watch.
Dave BarryThere's only one way kids will wear helmets, and that's if their parents are nagging them to. They will never wear helmets because some state passes a law requiring it.
Dave BarryIf you answered, ''Spin the Bottle,'' then I frankly do not want to know any more about your childhood.
Dave Barry