We should all strive to be extraordinary, and that starts with a focus on our own capabilities instead of those of our opponents.
Don YaegerI'm a believer that charisma makes a huge difference in people's decisions to follow you. However, it's not just that you say it well, but it's that you know it well. It helps if you can say it well enough that people want to follow you. Charisma isn't required, but it makes a big difference.
Don YaegerJohn Wooden would say never mistake activity for achievement. Sometimes we think we're really doing well on a given day. But 'What did you accomplish?' is the question that we should really be asking not 'What did we do?'
Don YaegerCompanies that understand the purpose and philosophy behind the "why" are usually astute, high- performing organizations that tap directly into the pulse of those they benefit the most. When utilized correctly, this understanding can create a powerful sense of duty and purpose for business teams because the employees know exactly whom they are working for and to what end.
Don YaegerThe challenge CEOs will face three to five years from now is the same one that they face today. That is engagement. It's hard to keep people engaged in what they are doing. As this generation grows up around social media like Twitter where things are 140 characters, how do you keep them engaged all hours every day at work? How do you keep them focused on the big goals you have?
Don Yaeger