If you keep your attention in the body as much as possible, you will be anchored in the Now. You won't lose yourself in the external world, and you won't lose yourself in your mind. Thoughts and emotions, fears and desires may still be there to some extent, but they won't take you over.
Eckhart TolleTo make money, to gather knowledge, to learn a new skill, to explore new territory, even to get from A to B - for all these things you need time. For almost everything you need time, except for one thing: to embrace the present moment.
Eckhart TolleAll you need to know and observe in yourself is this: Whenever you feel superior or inferior to anyone, that's the ego in you.
Eckhart TolleBeing one with life is being one with Now. You then realize that you don't live your life, but life lives you. Life is the dancer, and you are the dance.
Eckhart TolleHumanity as a species must change dramatically and radically or our survival is at stake.
Eckhart Tolle