Contrary to popular opinion, the hustle is not a new dance step - it is an old business procedure.
Fran LebowitzWhile clothes with pictures and/or writing on them are not entirely an invention of the modern age, they are an unpleasant indication of the general state of things. ... I mean, be realistic. If people don't want to listen to you, what makes you think they want to hear from your sweater?
Fran LebowitzI hate, simply, to work. I just hate to work, period. I am profoundly slothful. Practically inert.
Fran Lebowitz[Friendships] are easy to get out of compared to love affairs, but they are not easy to get out of compared to, say, jail.
Fran LebowitzRadio news is bearable. This is due to the fact that while the news is being broadcast, the disk jockey is not allowed to talk.
Fran LebowitzScience has done absolutely nothing about noise. The worst design flaw in the human body is that you can't close your ears. The reason you can't close your ears is, if a lion was coming, you had to wake up. Today no lions are coming. Beeping trucks are coming. I read the other day that the guy who invented the beep when trucks go backward, he died. I thought: Of course - he dies, I have to listen to it.
Fran Lebowitz