I don't believe in lowest common denominators. Our focus has been on delivering value. We're rarely going to be the cheapest theater in a market. We strive to be the best.
Gerry LopezIf I can make an economic deal with Amazon that works for them and works for me, OK - I'll make it available. But I don't want to be part of restrictions that make life difficult for my guests.
Gerry LopezIn an industry that has the capacity underutilization that we have, why wouldn't we? It's just common sense. Apparently they're successful (in Canada). Our standard approach is not to cookie cut things. Every market is different, every theater is different. The devil's in the details.
Gerry LopezWell, in regards to surfing, Iโve learned that there is always another wave coming. Translated that means there is always tomorrow. No matter how badly you get caught inside, if you can just hang in there and keep paddling, the set is going to pass and there will be a lull afterwards. So donโt give up, just take your pounding, wait until the set passes, then make your move.
Gerry Lopez