At the end of the day in business, it's not about peer review and getting into a scientific journal. You either increase sales, or not.
Guy KawasakiWriting a book is as different from digital curation as night and day. Digital curation is a series of split-second decisions: good/no good. It can even be done algorithmically. Writing is process-intensive activity.
Guy KawasakiArguably, in business books, I don't think there's much that has never been said before.
Guy KawasakiTry stuff. I also used to believe that it's better to be smart than lucky because if you're smart you can out-think the competition. I don't believe that anymore-this is not to say that you should strive for a high level of stupidity. My point is that luck is a big part of many successes, so (a) don't get too bummed out when you see a bozo succeed; and (b) luck favors the people who try stuff, not simply think and analyze. As the Chinese say, "One must wait for a long time with your mouth open before a Peking duck flies in your mouth."
Guy Kawasaki