Because pieces of your heart clearly weigh more when they're sitting shattered at the bottom of your stomach.
Heather BrewerA crease found it's way onto Joss's forehead. Because he was certain that Sirus was wrong. Girls were more complicated than boys. Girls communicated in a language that only they understood. And Joss wasn't sure at all that he would ever understand them.
Heather BrewerShe raised a sharp eyebrow at him. "Vlad, no offense, but look at you. If you're not a vampire, you're clearly the most anemic goth I've ever seen."... "We believed you. Because that's what friends do." pg267 October to Vlad
Heather BrewerWhat are we going to blow up?" Morgan sighed happily and slapped joss on the back. " Kid... you just said my seven favorite words.
Heather Brewer