The man who is thus outside the confines of every value-combination, and has become the exclusive representative of an individual value, is metaphysically an outcast, for his autonomy presupposes the resolution and disintegration of all system into its individual elements; such a man is liberated from values and from style, and can be influenced only by the irrational.
Hermann BrochNo one's death comes to pass without making some impression, and those close to the deceased inherit part of the liberated soul and become richer in their humanness.
Hermann BrochThe man who is thus outside the confines of every value-combination, and has become the exclusive representative of an individual value, is metaphysically an outcast, for his autonomy presupposes the resolution and disintegration of all system into its individual elements; such a man is liberated from values and from style, and can be influenced only by the irrational.
Hermann BrochYou must neither completely nor partially copy the art of others. If so, you will be producing kitsch.
Hermann BrochWhile love ceaselessly strives toward that which lies at the hiddenmost center, hatred only perceives the topmost surface . . .
Hermann Broch