Leadership: The skill of influencing people to work enthusiastically toward goals identified as being for the common good.
James HunterIt is a shame that so many leaders spend their time pondering their rights as leaders instead of their awesome responsibilities as leaders.
James Hunter...while everyone's focusing on keeping the boss happy, who's focusing on keeping the customer happy?
James HunterAs leaders we do not create growth. The best we can do is create an environment that is conducive to growth. It is like planting a garden. You do not cause the seeds to grow. To grow is their natural purpose in life.
James Hunter...leaders who do not hold their people accountable to a set standard are, in effect, thieves and liars. Thieves because they are stealing from the stockholder who pays them to hold people accountable, and liars because they pretend that everything is OK with their people when in fact everything is not OK.
James Hunter