Financial planners who take commissions have a built-in conflict of interest...even with disclosure, my choice would be a Fee-Only planner.
Jane Bryant QuinnStock prices aren't real things. They're just froth on a wave. The wave is the only real thing, which investors forget when they're watching the ticket slither by.
Jane Bryant QuinnLife insurance can be numbingly complicated. Clients often turn off their brains and surrender their judgment to the very agent or planner who brought on their coma in the first place.
Jane Bryant QuinnFor all the huffing and puffing of the doubters, a home of our own is still the rock on which our hopes are built. Price appreciation aside (and most houses will appreciate, eventually), homeownership is a state of mind. It's your piece of the earth. It's where a family's toes grow roots. It's where the flowers are yours, not God's.
Jane Bryant Quinn