My radio show, I'd show up, I'd read the data, and I would have sound bites and stuff like that.
Jay MohrI had a calling, this is what happened, I've explained the story many times. I've had my priest on, I've had atheists on. When I explain my conversion to atheists, my personal series of events, they go, "Oh, alright."
Jay MohrI don't know if you've ever been to England, but as soon as they find out you're from America, they hate you. They just think they're more sophisticated than we are. They're so pissed at us. You know what it is? They're mad because they lost the Revolutionary War, and they should be because there was only like nine of us.
Jay MohrThe jokes were perfect! Then George Carlin started talking about the seven dirty words you can't say on television, then it evolved into social commentary.
Jay Mohr