The role of a leader is to serve his people. We absolutely must first serve the people who we want to lead. They must be able to rely on the leader as much as we hope to rely on them.
John FaircloughMan created language to be understood. It should be normal to understand what people convey to us. Fear, ulterior motives, and closed mindedness are the enemies of understanding.
John FaircloughDon't make your audience play Jeopardy. Giving your answer before asking the question puts your audience at a disadvantage. It will also reveal your biases. Make it clear what question you are trying to answer first. Then allow your audience to engage in answering the question too.
John FaircloughMuch of the world is focused on answers. This unfortunate. Situations change, the earth turns, and our needs fluctuate. Focusing on static answers puts one at a disadvantage. Empower yourself by searching for the right question as if it were a buried treasure and treasures will find you.
John Fairclough