When people say that college isn't worthwhile and paying all this money isn't worthwhile, I really disagree. I think those experiences and those classes that may not necessarily seem applicable in the moment end up coming back to you time and time again.
Kevin SystromWorking at a startup to make a lot of money was never a thing, and that's why I decided to just finish up school. That was way more important for me.
Kevin SystromWe're just taking people and shifting them from taking photos anyway to taking them on Instagram.
Kevin SystromObviously, being the CEO, there are a lot of eyes on what you do and what you post and how you post, and I think one of the challenges of Instagram in general is that, as we get bigger, there are just more voices in the room, more eyes on everyone's accounts.
Kevin SystromWhat's awesome about social media is you curate your own experience. That leads to the rise of niche celebrities, who are actually just as popular as mass celebrities, but because there's no incentive for traditional media to invest in them as celebrities, they find a home where people can follow them on Instagram.
Kevin Systrom