One day you will realise that for your life to change for the better, you must first change for the better.
Leon BrownA lack of love is the cause for most problems in life, when love is missing, nothing can flourish, only pain thrives.
Leon BrownDrop jealousy and envy, for they make you ugly. Be loving, be accepting, and most of all... be happy just the way you are.
Leon BrownIt all begins with you. If you do not take care of yourself, you will not be strong enough to take care of anything in life.
Leon BrownSometimes we have to lose our way to find out what we really want, for we often ignore our needs until we are lost.
Leon BrownWhen nothing makes sense and the world seems upside down, listen to your heart, it will never lie about your true feelings.
Leon BrownYou can let hate, animosity and anger eat away at you, or you can let it go and begin again.
Leon BrownNever give up hope. Situations can change over night, problems can dissolve in the light of a new day's sun.
Leon BrownLife is a reflection of what you think. If your thoughts are negative, the world you see will be the same.
Leon BrownLife is a daily cleansing. Negativity must be washed away, if you wish to attract positive experiences to your life.
Leon BrownMistakes are the stepping stones to wisdom, we learn from trial & error, we become wise by understanding problems.
Leon BrownOne day you will realize that material things mean nothing. All that matters is the well being of the people in your life.
Leon BrownLet people do what they need to do to make them happy. Mind your own business, and do what you need to do to make you happy.
Leon BrownEvery second you spend with the wrong person, is a second wasted in the search for true love.
Leon BrownHe who can turn negative situations into something positive, has learned the law of transformation, his mind empowers life.
Leon BrownIf the past is not resolved, future relationships will suffer. Let your heart heal, before you open the door to another.
Leon BrownYou must channel your energy towards what you love, for what you love is the foundation of your life.
Leon BrownYou must let life flow naturally, for life’s secret is patience; you must stop pushing for change and allow things to unfold.
Leon BrownNothing goes to waste on the journey of life. Both good and bad experiences shape your mind and heart for what is to come.
Leon BrownPlant the seed of positivity into your mind, nourish it daily with love and happiness will flower, as fear begins to die.
Leon BrownLife is precious, do not waste it doing anything that your heart does not respect or agree with.
Leon BrownIf you can imagine it, you can create it. That beautiful world you dream about, needs positive action to come true.
Leon BrownIt will all work out in the end. You must keep faith in yourself, and leave the rest to God.
Leon BrownThe answers you seek never come when the mind is busy, they come when the mind is still, when silence speaks loudest.
Leon BrownBefore you look to blame another, look within yourself, for at some point you have not listened to your own instincts.
Leon BrownThe day you stop worrying will be the first day of your new life; anxiety takes you in circles, trust in yourself and become free.
Leon BrownSometimes you have to experience the bad, so that you can learn to appreciate the good things that enter your life.
Leon BrownYou will fall many times in life, but you will pick yourself up and become stronger and wiser for each trouble you pass.
Leon BrownDo not worry about the past or the future. This moment needs your attention, for this is where your life exists.
Leon BrownThe pain will not go away by getting angry or bitter, it will go away when you learn to accept life's challenges with grace and ease
Leon BrownWhen you have walked through the hell of your negative thoughts and survived, no pain on this earth will ever again worry you.
Leon BrownThe more you try to control something, the more it controls you. Free yourself, and let things take their own natural course.
Leon BrownThere is no need to drag yourself through life, let go of the struggle & give yourself the time & love to find balance.
Leon BrownA moment of anger can destroy a lifetime of work, whereas a moment of love can break barriers that took a lifetime to build.
Leon BrownBitterness is a result of clinging to negative experiences. It serves you no good, and closes the door to your future.
Leon BrownEvery day you must unlearn the ways that hold you back. You must rid yourself of negativity, so you can learn to fly.
Leon Brown