I don't know if you've ever had just five dollars in the bank, but I've found that if that's all you have, you can't get it out.
Louis C. K.Some things I think are very conservative, or very liberal. I think when someone falls into one category for everything, I'm very suspicious. It doesn't make sense to me that you'd have the same solution to every issue.
Louis C. K.Here's how my brain works: It's stupidity, followed by self-hatred, and then further analysis.
Louis C. K.If you're a cartoon character or most TV characters, sure, you'll fight, because the punches are juicy-sounding and they don't leave marks. But in real life, if somebody punches you in the eye, it doesn't make any noise and your eye is swollen for, like, six months. It's a nightmare to get punched in the eye.
Louis C. K.