[A]ll change, even very large and powerful change, begins when a few people start talking with one another about something they care about.
Margaret J. WheatleyI've wanted to see beyond the Western, mechanical view of the world and see what else might appear when the lens was changed
Margaret J. WheatleyAs we let go of the machine model of work, we begin to step back and see ourselves in new ways, to appreciate wholeness, and to design organizations that honor and make use of the totality of who we are.
Margaret J. WheatleyEven though worker capacity and motivation are destroyed when leaders choose power over productivity, it appears that bosses would rather be in control than have the organization work well.
Margaret J. WheatleyNothing has given me more hope recently than to observe how simple conversations give birth to actions that can change lives and restore our faith in the future. There is no more powerful way to initiate significant social change than to start a conversation. When a group of people discover that they share a common concern, that's when the process of change begins.
Margaret J. Wheatley