Children with obesity and diabetes live harder poorer lives, they often don't finish school and earn much less than their healthy counterparts.
Mark Hyman, M.D.Your social networks may matter more than your genetic networks. But if your friends have healthy habits you are more likely to as well. So get healthy friends.
Mark Hyman, M.D.The key to creating health is figuring out the cause of the problem and then providing the right conditions for the body and soul to thrive. It isn't taking another medication.
Mark Hyman, M.D.The facts are in, the science is beyond question. Sugar in all its forms is the root cause of our obesity epidemic and most of the chronic disease sucking the life out of our citizens and our economy - and, increasingly, the rest of the world. You name it, itโs caused by sugar: heart disease, cancer, dementia, type 2 diabetes, depression, and even acne, infertility and impotence.
Mark Hyman, M.D.Most schools have only a microwave or deep fryer, hardly the tools needed to feed our children real, fresh food.
Mark Hyman, M.D.Our body's natural detoxification system is designed to support our health by eliminating waste products from our metabolism and from environmental toxins. Like any other hardworking system, it needs periodic rest and support to continue functioning optimally. This program will teach you how to rest and restore your body's natural detoxification abilities.
Mark Hyman, M.D.