Imagine a smashed stained-glass window, a page torn from a Bible, or a snippet of choral singing. You would still recognize their religious roots, wouldn't you? In 1915, Coca-Cola designed a bottle so unique that if it were smashed into thousands of pieces, from a single shard of glass you'd still be able recognize the brand. We call such a device a Smashable. It can be anything from a color to a sound, from a pattern to a smell to an icon.
Martin LindstromSpinning out of my neuromarketing work where, based on scanning the brains of 2,000 respondents' brains using fMRI, we learned that there's a huge correlation between religion and branding - and thus the way that brands intend to generate customer evangelism are to be constructed.
Martin LindstromWe're no longer bored - in fact we're petrified of being alone with ourselves getting bored. Yet boredom is the foundation for creativity - an asset slowly disappearing from our world.
Martin LindstromPowerful brands in the future will instead carefully choose who'd they'd love to be friends with - and who they'd be comfortable upsetting.
Martin LindstromBecause we're always more woundable when caught at exactly the time where we're in the mood for that particular product or service - and as Big Data increasingly are able to pick up on clues revealing desire - automated systems are increasingly able to hit at exactly those moments, across those channels we move - with an offer matching exactly what we're desiring.
Martin Lindstrom