It's like pouring oil from one glass to another down a line - in the end, you don't have any oil left; it is all stuck to the inside of the glasses. This way, 1,000 dollars become 100 dollars by the time it reaches the people. Whereas if we get 10 dollars, we add our effort to it and the money multiplies.
Mata AmritanandamayiMeditation increases our vitality and strengthens our intelligence. Our beauty is enhanced and our mental accuracy and health are improved. We gain the mental fortitude and patience to face life's problems. Meditate! Only through meditation can we find the treasure we're looking for.
Mata AmritanandamayiHappiness is within everyone, but we are not able to experience it because of our ego's likes and dislikes.
Mata AmritanandamayiDevelop the ability to stand back as a witness to your thoughts. This will make your mind strong.
Mata Amritanandamayi