In most vital organizations, there is a common bond of interdependence, mutual interest, interlocking contributions, and simple joy.
Max De PreeIf you want the best things to happen in corporate life you have to find ways to be hospitable to the unusual person. You don't get innovation as a democratic process. You almost get it as an anti-democratic process. Certainly you get it as an antithetical process, so you have to have an environment where the body of people are really amenable to change and can deal with the conflicts that arise out of change an innovation.
Max De PreeEarning trust is not easy, nor is it cheap, nor does it happen quickly. Earning trust is hard and demanding work. Trust comes only with genuine effort, never with a lick and a promise.
Max De PreeIntegrity in all things precedes all else. The open demonstration of integrity is essential.
Max De Pree