In most vital organizations, there is a common bond of interdependence, mutual interest, interlocking contributions, and simple joy.
Max De PreeWe talk about the quality of product and service. What about the quality of our relationships and the quality of our communications and the quality of our promises to each other?
Max De PreeLeadership is much more an art, a belief, a condition of the heart, than a set of things to do.
Max De PreeThe key elements in the art of working together are how to deal with change, how to deal with conflict, and how to reach our potential...the needs of the team are best met when we meet the needs of individual persons.
Max De PreeWe can choose to see life as a series of trials and tribulations, or we can choose to see life as an accumulation of treasures.
Max De PreeIn addition to all of the ratios and goals and parameters and bottom lines, it is fundamental that leaders endorse a concept of persons. This begins with an understanding of the diversity of people's gifts and talents and skills. Recognizing diversity gives us the chance to provide meaning, fulfillment and purpose, which are not to be relegated solely to private life any more than such things as love, beauty and joy. The art of leadership lies in polishing and liberating and enabling those gifts.
Max De Pree