The truth is that business is simple: create great products, merchandise them at the point of sale, continuously innovate and surprise, reward and achieve a position of loyalty with your front line, and seek new truth from the market. Deliver the goods at a competitive cost. Price to earn a decent but not competitively inviting return. Not much else matters.
Michael J. SilversteinDon't ask your customers what they want. This rule is based on the view that they probably don't know. You have to fully understand them, the context for their needs and their major dissatisfactions.
Michael J. SilversteinMy best clients tell stories that inspire. They tell stories about situations that you can identify with.
Michael J. SilversteinFind out what schismogenesis means. Schismogenesis is anthropology. It says relationships between people are not stable. They are either moving up or moving down. The same is true for brands. You need to understand where you are.
Michael J. SilversteinPeople need to be inspired. They need to hear and believe a story. If you want them to be self-motivated, you need to engage them.
Michael J. Silverstein