Do not be afraid to help one another. The devil is looking for rivalry, division, gangs. Keep working to make progress ... I have seen how pain does not stifle the hope deep within the human heart and how life goes on, finding new strength even in the midst of difficulties.
Pope FrancisJesus is more than a friend. He is a teacher of truth and life who shows us the way that leads to happiness.
Pope FrancisIn some countries, if you carry the Gospel, you can go to jail. You can't carry a cross, because you'll have to pay a fine. But still, the heart rejoices.
Pope FrancisDear young people, the Church expects great things of you and your generosity. Donโt be afraid to aim high.
Pope FrancisHuman rights are not only violated by terrorism, repression or assassination, but also by unfair economic structures that creates huge inequalities.
Pope FrancisFor this the Gospel offers us a serene way forward: using the three languages of the mind, heart and hands - and to use them in harmony. What you think, you must feel and put into effect. Your information comes down to your heart and you put it into practice. Harmoniously. What you think, you feel, and you do. Feel what you think and feel what you do. Do what you think and what you feel. The three languagesTo think. To feel. To do. And all in harmony.
Pope Francis