Average. It was the worst, most disgusting word in the English language. Nothing meaningful or worthwhile ever came from that word.
Portia de RossiIf I was 14 and knew some gay people, I wouldn't nearly have had the struggle I had. Our world is definitely changing.
Portia de RossiI married him for a green card. We had a really great, caring relationship; it just obviously wasn't right for me.
Portia de RossiI didn't understand that playing roles in any relationship is false and will inevitably lead to the relationship's collapse. No one can be any one thing all the time.
Portia de RossiIf your self-esteem really does depend on how you look you're always going to be insecure. There's no way you can get around it because you are going to age. Even if you get that perfect body you're going to get older and older and older. You can't avid it. So you have to somehow, at some point, take control and sift the focus and decide who you are, what you can contribute to the world, what you do and say, is so much more important than how you look.
Portia de Rossi