When you are starting a business or going down any challenging endeavor, you are bound to encounter challenges. You are going to hit many roadblocks and obstacles. These are obstacles that would make any sane person want to throw in the towel and quit. If you want your business to succeed, you canโt do that (duh).
Richard BransonA successful business must have a sound knowledge of its market and work on how its product or service will be different, stand out and improve people's lives. If you can ensure it responds to a real need in the market place, your business can punch well above its weight.
Richard BransonYou shouldnโt blindly accept a leaderโs advice. Youโve got to question leaders on occasion.
Richard BransonIt is important to remember that life is not a dress rehearsal and that none of us should waste our time on doing things that donโt spark fires within us. My golden rule for business and life is: We should all enjoy what we do and do what we enjoy.
Richard BransonI am a believer in trying to treat people properly and trying to respond and making sure that I find the time to be courteous.
Richard Branson