During the Boom Years, it was so easy to lose sight of basic values. For example, there was lots of nonsense said and written about the so-called "New Economy." Some people said all economic laws have been overturned! Then all the problems developed. Corporations were heavily fined for illegalities. Many of their senior-level executives were indicted, convicted, and sent to prison.
Rosabeth Moss KanterCorporate men and women, once divided by striking differences in opportunity for career growth, have come to share career chaos.
Rosabeth Moss KanterEverything looks like a failure in the middle. In neary every change project, doubt is cast on the original vision because problems are mounting and the end is nowhere in sight.
Rosabeth Moss KanterPeople who are making decisions about the future often don't have access to some of the best ideas in the company, which may be at the periphery or at lower levels.
Rosabeth Moss KanterLack of opportunity breeds dreams of escape. But professionals and managers who have invested in their careers do not leave the work force as frequently as discouraged workers in lower status occupations. Instead, they keep working, but they escape emotionally by defining achievement in professional, not company, terms. ... Thus, the potential for being stuck as career uncertainty grows takes its toll in weakening attachment to any particular employer.
Rosabeth Moss Kanter