Mindfulness allows us to watch our thoughts, see how one thought leads to the next, decide if we're heading down an unhealthy path, and, if so, let go and change directions.
Sharon SalzbergRestore your attention or bring it to a new level by dramatically slowing down whatever you're doing.
Sharon SalzbergMeditation is not the construction of something foreign, it is not an effort to attain and then hold on to a particular experience. We may have a secret desire that through meditation we will accumulate a stockpile of magical experiences, or at least a mystical trophy or two, and then we will be able to proudly display them for others to see.
Sharon SalzbergMindfulness needs to not be judgmental to really be mindfulness, which means it needs a basis of loving kindness.
Sharon SalzbergIn our usual mind state, we are continually activating the process that in Buddhist terminology is known as 'bhava,' which literally means 'becoming.' In this space of becoming, we are subtly leaning forward into the future, trying to have security based on feeling that we can hold on, we can try to keep things from changing.
Sharon Salzberg