When you are knitting socks and sweaters and scarves, you aren't just knitting. You are assigning a value to human effort. You are holding back time. You are preserving the simple unchanging act of handwork.
Stephanie Pearl-McPheeIt took me years and years of trial efforts to work out that there is absolutely no knitting triumph I can achieve that my husband will think is worth being woken up for.
Stephanie Pearl-McPheeThere is no wrong way to knit. ... We should all agree to stop correcting each other and deal with the more important issue. How wrong crochet is.
Stephanie Pearl-McPheeSABLE- A common knitting acronym that stands for Stash Acquisition Beyond Life Expectancy.
Stephanie Pearl-McPheeIt is some kind of miracle that all knitting is constructed of only two stitches: knit and purl. Sure, you throw in some yarn overs, and sometimes you knit the stitches out of order, but when it really comes down to it, knitting is simplicity. The most incredible gossamer lace shawl ... the trickiest aran ... a humble sock ... each just made with knit and purl.
Stephanie Pearl-McPhee