If you carefully consider what you want to be said of you in the funeral experience, you will find your definition of success.
Stephen CoveyWe immediately become more effective when we decide to change ourselves rather than asking things to change for us.
Stephen CoveyBelief is another word for paradigm. It's a synonymous. Your belief of the way things are. Values are the way things should be, it's a paradigm of the way things should be. Beliefs are the paradigms of the way things are.
Stephen CoveyThe reflection of the current social paradigm tells us we are largely determined by conditioning and conditions.
Stephen CoveyWhen the trust is high, you get the trust dividend. Investors invest in brands people trust. Consumers buy more from companies they trust, they spend more with companies they trust, they recommend companies they trust, and they give companies they trust the benefit of the doubt when things go wrong.
Stephen Covey