Love among the ruins... I'll tell you something, my friend: Weird love's better than no love at all.
Stephen KingIt didnยดt occur to me until later that thereยดs another truth, very simple: greed in a good cause is still greed.
Stephen KingI started to submit when I was twelve, and obviously at that time they weren't good enough, and I suppose in my heart of hearts I knew it. But you have to start sooner or later, you have to dig in.
Stephen KingOh Christ, he groaned to himself, if this is the stuff adults have to think about I never want to grow up
Stephen KingI watched Titanic when I got back home from the hospital, and cried. I knew that my IQ had been damaged.
Stephen KingJake went in, aware that he had, for the first time in three weeks, opened a door without hoping madly to find another world on the other side. A bell jingled overhead. The mild, spicy smell of old books hit him, and the smell was somehow like coming home.
Stephen KingShall there be truth between us, as two men? Not as friends, but as enemies and equals?
Stephen KingDo I know what people say? Sure. I shrug it off. what else can you do? Stop people from talking? You might as well try to stop the wind from blowing.
Stephen KingShow me a man or a woman alone and I'll show you a saint. Give me two and they'll fall in love. Give me three and they'll invent the charming thing we call 'society'. Give me four and they'll build a pyramid. Give me five and they'll make one an outcast. Give me six and they'll reinvent prejudice. Give me seven and in seven years they'll reinvent warfare. Man may have been made in the image of God, but human society was made in the image of His opposite number, and is always trying to get back home.
Stephen KingIf you were a real fascistic society and you had a vocal minority that was shouting, "Stop this, stop that, stop the other thing," what you would say is, "Let's give them all the drugs they want." In a lot of states, something very much like that happened. They lowered the drinking age to eighteen and said, "Get juiced."
Stephen KingBy and large... the good's an illusion, little fables folks tell themselves so they can get through their days without screaming too much.
Stephen KingWorking on a new idea is kind of like getting married. Then a new idea comes along and you think, 'Man, I'd really like to go out with her.' But you can't. At least not until the old idea is finished.
Stephen KingAnd when there are enough outsiders together in one place, a mystic osmosis takes place and you're inside.
Stephen KingBut I think there are a set of experiences that turn a potential writer into a working writer, and then there are places in your life were you start to recognize what you want to do.
Stephen KingFor a moment he felt a wild hope: perhaps this really was a nightmare. Perhaps he would awake in his own bed, bathed in sweat, shaking, maybe even crying . . . but alive. Safe. Then he pushed the thought away. Its charm was deadly, its comfort fatal.
Stephen KingI've spoken out my whole life against the idea of simply dismissing whole areas of fiction by saying it's "genre" and therefore can't be seen as literature.
Stephen KingThe poets continually and sometimes wilfully mistake love. Love is the old slaughterer.
Stephen KingGod and the afterlife and all that is certainly a subject that's interested me, and I think it interests me more the older that I get.
Stephen KingIf it's ka it'll come like a wind, and your plans will stand before it no more than a barn before a cyclone
Stephen KingAlthough emotionally delicate and eminently bruisable, teenagers are short on empathy. That comes later in life, if it comes at all.
Stephen KingWrite what you like, then imbue it with life and make it unique by blending in your own personal knowledge of life, friendship, relationships, sex, and work. Especially work. People love to read about work. God knows why, but they do.
Stephen KingThere's a Mr. Hyde for every happy Jekyll face, a dark face on the other side of the mirror.
Stephen KingMost books about writing are filled with bullshit. Fiction writers, present company included, donโt understand very much about what they doโnot why it works when itโs good, not why it doesnโt when itโs bad.
Stephen KingTheres a constant struggle going on about how much will be illegal and how much you will be free to take. Can we open the pharmacies? Can we put Valium and Percodan and those sorts of things out on the shelves? I wouldn't take it. I don't know.
Stephen KingThe first movie I can remember seeing was The Creature From The Black Lagoon. And, I can remember hearing a radio play of Ray Bradbury's Mars Is Heaven. And when I cut my teeth on comic books, they were not the easy ones of today like Spiderman, Superman and The Hulk. they were Tales Of The Crypt, The Vaultkeeper, and that sort of thing.
Stephen KingMornings belong to whatever is new; the current composition. Afternoons are for naps and letters.
Stephen KingI know your mother lives in your head - almost everyone's mother does, I guess - but you can't let her have her way on this one
Stephen KingThe first real terror struck him then, and there was nothing supernatural about it. It was only a realization of how easy it was to trash your life. That was what was so scary. You just dragged the fan up to everything you had spent the years raking together and turned the motherfucker on.
Stephen KingThe books are always there, just the way you wrote them. The plays often don`t turn out the way you wanted them to because in the theater, you`re always involved with collaborators and they don`t always see the work the way you do.
Stephen Kingsure, we need the gypsies. we always have. because if you don't have someone to run out of town once in a while, how are you going to know you yourself belong there?
Stephen KingShe looks like the type that might freak out. It's something in the eyes, Frannie. It says if you shoot my sacred cows, I'll shoot yours.
Stephen KingPeople think first love is sweet, and never sweeter than when that first bond snaps. You've heard a thousand pop and country songs that prove the point; some fool got his heart broke. Yet that first broken heart is always the most painful, the slowest to mend, and leaves the most visible scar. What's so sweet about that?
Stephen KingIf I can get it down on paper without puking all over the word processor, then as far as I'm concerned, it's fit to see the light of day.
Stephen King