Talking with Ken Shamrock was almost a one-way conversation. I knew Ken was a tough guy, one of the toughest in the world at one time and still tough as nails. I had heard he had a tough background, but there are two times in that interview when I teared up. I'm "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, and I didn't cry, but I teared up. Ken saw me, and he almost started tearing up, too. I'd never experienced anything like that. To hear some of the things that he went through, my jaw was on the floor.
Stone Cold Steve AustinThat was the absolute worst catch phrase I've ever heard in the history of Monday Night Raw.
Stone Cold Steve AustinI found out in pro wrestling that it works better if you just try and be yourself versus working on something you're not, so I'm me and maybe it's magnified a bit, but it's easier just being me.
Stone Cold Steve Austin