So what if I don't learn algebra?' 'Someday schools will be open again,' Mom said. 'Things will be normal. You need to do your work now for when that happens.' 'That's never going to happen,' Jon said. 'And even if schools do open up somewhere, they're not going to open up here. There aren't enough people left.' 'We don't know how many people are like us, holed up, making do until times get better.' 'I bet whoever they are, they aren't studying algebra,' Jon said.
Susan Beth Pfeffertodays the first anniversary of the asteroid hitting the moon. A year ago i was sixteen years old, a sophomore in high school.
Susan Beth PfefferLisa's baby was due about now. I've decided she had it and it was a girl. I've named her Rachel.
Susan Beth PfefferBut today when I am 17 and warm and well fed, I'm keeping this journal for myself so I can always remember life as we knew it, life as we know it, for a time when I am no longer in the sunroom.
Susan Beth Pfeffer