Be one of the crowd? It went against everything a wizard stood for, and a wizard would not stand for anything if he could sit down for it, but even sitting down, you had to stand out.
Terry PratchettJournalism makes you think fast. You have to speak to people in all walks of life. Especially local journalism.
Terry PratchettRacism was not a problem on the Discworld, because - what with trolls and dwarfs and so on - speciesism was more interesting. Black and white lived in perfect harmony and ganged up on green.
Terry PratchettEverywhere's been where it is ever since it was first put there. It's called geography.
Terry PratchettWhen people say "clearly" something that means there's a huge crack in their argument and they know things aren't clear at all.
Terry PratchettYou did what you were told or you didn't get paid, and if things went wrong it wasn't your problem. It was the fault of whatever idiot has accepted this message for sending in the first place. No one cared about you, and everyone at headquarters was an idiot. It wasn't your fault, no one listened to you. Headquarters had even started an Employee of the Month scheme to show how much they cared. That was how much they didn't care.
Terry Pratchett