Is world peace possible or is the human race too innately aggressive? For instance: Have you ever seen women at a sample sale?
Woody AllenThere's nothing good about getting older-absolutely nothing-because the amount of wisdom and experience you gain is negligible compared to what you lose. You do gain a couple of things-you gain a little bittersweet and sour wisdom from your heartbreaks and failures and things-but what you lose is so catastrophic in every way.
Woody AllenIf 90% of success in life is showing up, the other 10% depends on what you're showing up for.
Woody AllenReal life is generally much duller and inevitably sadder, most of the time. In film, you control everything that's going on, so you can indulge the most fantastic, romantic, escapist feelings and fantasies. You can do anything you want. That's why it's very seductive and pleasurable to earn your living making movies because you're not living in the real world.
Woody Allen