Seven Truths You Should Never Forget

Stick to these truths and you'll ensure happiness and meaningful moments

Nadya Hamdan
Seven Truths You Should Never Forget

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Everyone has a life path, and we all learn valuable lessons and truths along the way. After each lesson, we become wiser and reorder our priorities.

Today I give you seven valuable lessons, some of which life has surely already taught you and others you have yet to learn. 

Hold on to these truths and you will ensure happiness and meaningful moments.

Chase dreams, not people

You've probably chased enough people in your life to convince yourself that there's no point. The truth about people and relationships is very simple - if you have to chase someone, then they have no place in your life. In the end, the only ones left are the ones who choose to be by your side. Don't waste your time and energy chasing people. Chase your dreams instead. It's worth it.

Learn to love yourself

If you haven't learned this lesson yet, you certainly will. Remember this - you can't expect people to love you if you haven't learned to love yourself. Give up the self-pity, the unreasoning guilt, the criticism, the unattainably high bars. Be kind and good to yourself and learn to love and value yourself. Others will follow your example.

Don't lose the child in you

Think about it - how often are children happy? Every day! We can only envy. Or take an example. Try to be more like them. Allow yourself adventure and carefree, allow yourself ice cream or a lollipop, allow yourself to have more fun and worry less. You will surely be happier.

You are capable of much more

Whenever you tell yourself that you've reached your limit, think about whether you have. In fact, we are all capable of much more than we think. And the more often you forget this truth, the more life will remind you of it. Capable of loving more, giving more, receiving more, achieving more, if only you want it.

There are no failures, only lessons

No, that's not defeatist thinking, that's the truth itself. Everything you consider a failure has actually taught you something. Maybe the lesson was so valuable and important to you that it was even worth failing for. Practice recognizing the lessons. Think about everything you consider a failure and try to remember what it taught you, what good it led to. And the next time you fail, think about whether it's time to learn your new lesson.

The biggest obstacle you face is your own attitude

If you think life is hard, it will undoubtedly be hard; if you think you don't deserve great success, you certainly won't achieve it. The list here could be long. It's time to realize it - it all depends on your own attitude. Try to accept that you are a good, decent person who deserves love and dreams come true and see what happens. You may be surprised.

Life is short, do whatever makes you happy

This is probably the most important lesson, but we learn it the latest. Don't waste your time on relationships, work, home or moments that don't make you happy. If you feel out of place, then it's time to look for your place elsewhere. Don't resign yourself to thinking that nothing better will come along and allow yourself to be unhappy. Time is our most precious gift, don't waste it.

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