You can try on our suede underwear if you choose. Do what you want, but don't step on my blue suede shoes.
Al YankovicIn the '80s, I was the only game in town, I was the only one getting that kind of exposure in any rotation on MTV. Now with internet culture it seems like everyone is doing music parodies. And they're not all good!
Al YankovicI dated Siamese twins, I slept with Big Foot, too. Get me on Sally Jesse, put me on Donahue.
Al YankovicI cut my teeth playing rock songs on the accordion when I was a teenager and my friends always thought that was extremely amusing. I think that was the genesis of my polka medleys, because every rock song I played on the accordion just sounded like a polka and my friends thought it was funny. So that was a joke that I continue up to this very day.
Al Yankovic