In the '80s, I was the only game in town, I was the only one getting that kind of exposure in any rotation on MTV. Now with internet culture it seems like everyone is doing music parodies. And they're not all good!
Al YankovicYou slammed my face down on the barbecue grill, now my scars are all healing, but my heart never will.
Al YankovicI can't say enough good things about my band. I feel very fortunate that I found them when I did, very early in my career. Not only are they just great, nice guys; they're some of the best musicians you're likely to find. They do everything from gangsta rap to polka music and every genre in between. It's amazing.
Al YankovicKind of wish I was dead. Maybe, I'll blow my brains out, mama, or maybe I'll go bowling.
Al Yankovic