So the hotel tells us that it is not safe to go in the water because its shark mating time. I know how I'd feel if someone interrupted me.
Bill EngvallI believe that anyone who wants to wear a thong should have to go through an application process.
Bill EngvallMa'am, when I got up this morning, I didn't want to be jackass. You just pushed my jackass button.
Bill EngvallThis guy from L.A. sits down next to me, and he says "you like baseball?" I said, "Oh, man, I love baseball." So he goes "Did you know that if Jesus had played ball, he'd have been the greatest ball player ever?" Like I'm gonna argue with that logic. So I sat there for a second, and then I said "did you know that if Babe Ruth had been the Messiah, the Catholics would have beer and hot dogs at Communion?" He left.
Bill Engvall