I think flying planes into a building was a faith-based initiative. I think religion is a neurological disorder.
If we were a dog and God owned us, the cops would come and take us away.
But I've often said that if I had – I have two dogs – if I had two retarded children, I'd be a hero. And yet the dogs, which are pretty much the same thing. What? They're sweet. They're loving. They're kind, but they don't mentally advance at all. Dogs are like retarded children.
What is "martinizing" and why does it only take one hour?
The "Power of One" is a slogan--not a goal.
I saw this anti-drug commercial that showed a kid smoking pot in his dad`s room with his friend. This kid finds a gun, the gun accidentally goes off and kills his friend. Only in America is the villain in this commercial not guns or bad parenting, but pot.