Just thinking about a friend makes you want to do a happy dance, because a friend is someone who loves you in spite of your faults.
Charles M. SchulzWhat's that?" "It looks like something from Linus... It is! He sent me a little birch-bark canoe from camp! He said he made it himself... Sometimes I think I don't deserve a nice brother like Linus..." "I have often thought the same thing." "Dear Linus, please send me another canoe. The first one broke when I threw it at Charlie Brown.
Charles M. SchulzYou know what I think my best quality is? I think I'm nice to have around. I'd hate it if I weren't around!
Charles M. SchulzI want to know about life! I want some real answers..." "Five." "Five?!" "I thought that was a pretty good answer!
Charles M. Schulz