Everyone has favorite criminals. Mine are pimps. We can all rob a bank; we can all sell drugs. Being a pimp is a whole other thing.
Chris RockEvery town has the same two malls: the one white people go to and the one white people used to go to.
Chris RockI love having somebody there - that companion thing. You know who you're going to eat with, who you're going to see a movie with.
Chris RockNobody's about saving anymore. No one cares about a rainy day anymore. Nobody saves up enough for even an umbrella for a rainy day. It's sad. It really is a new form of slavery. We used to work to be able to afford material things. Now we work for these things. They're the boss. That house you can't afford, that car that's out of your price range, that cellphone that drains your bank account - that's your boss.
Chris Rock