The message "Your body isn't good enough" translates in a little girls mind to "YOU aren't good enough." This becomes a core belief that gets passed on to the next generation.
Christiane NorthrupAll over the world today, many girls still get the idea that their bodies are somehow not as good as a boy's body. These girls - who later grow up to be women with girls of their own - get the message that they are weaker in spirit, not worth educating, somehow cursed because of their menstrual cycle, and so forth.
Christiane NorthrupWe have each chosen the circumstances of our births in order to carry out our soul's purposes. And these purposes can't always be known to our intellects. Nothing happens randomly. And at the same time, we have the ability to become far more powerful and happy and healthy than we ever dreamed possible. At any age.
Christiane Northrup