There really is not any difference between any of us, because we're only talking about the difference of one moment in time between remembering. We can't judge what's right for each individual, because each person will get what they are ready for within the moment that are presented during that timeline process.
Christine McCormick DayOur humanness is the part of us that we try and push away, that we don't want to see, that we don't like. It's about self-acceptance, number one, and it's also about accepting our creation.
Christine McCormick DayThe new book is amazing. It's called, The Pleiadian Promise. I get emotional when I just connect to it, because it's really an amazing, powerful, powerful piece of work.
Christine McCormick DayMy role with the Pleiadians has been a profound journey of 24 years. Prior to meeting them, I had not believed in space ships or aliens, but I turned a corner in nature and they appeared before me and reminded me of my Pleiadian heritage and my mission this lifetime.
Christine McCormick DayThose who are living out the drama and the violence still need to live that out for their experience, while others of us have gone past that need - but we're still witnessing it from a distance. What the Pleiadians are saying is don't engage in drama that is not ours.
Christine McCormick DayEveryone is ready to receive this new blueprint. It's simple, easy, flowing. Nothing too complicated, and everyone will feel at home being able to come in and just receive this energy.
Christine McCormick DayThe outer drama in the world is going to escalate, and what they [the Pleiadians] are saying is to come back to your heart and don't participate in the drama. Witness it, but understand that this illusion on the Earth plane is accelerating because of where we are in our evolution.
Christine McCormick DayThat's what I love about the Pleiadians. It allows people to start understanding their own human process and understand the dynamic that is going on on the planet right now.
Christine McCormick DayYou're re-accessing your natural energy, your natural information, your knowledge of yourself, of your sacred self.
Christine McCormick DayThe new blueprint is designed to accelerate that remembering, like we are awakening from a dream. That's its purpose. The initiations will anchor the new blueprint, and the integration of that, with full alignment to that frequency.
Christine McCormick DayOur planet energetically has transformed, almost into an energetic womb in readiness for a very strong shift in consciousness.
Christine McCormick DayThe Pleiadians said that at a certain moment in the future, when we go through our transformation, the Earth plane will shift back to its original pristine self.
Christine McCormick DayThat is what the blueprint for this time is about. We're leaving behind the limitations and the illusion of the struggle. We're moving much more into having a very different experience now on the Earth plane with our sacredness.
Christine McCormick DayWherever people are in their evolution, they start to come into that hope and feeling like they are okay, that they're going to be okay.
Christine McCormick DayTake all the Syrians, for example. They are where they need to be. They don't need saving. They are having their experiences and they're completing what they need to complete within this human element, in this complete illusion.
Christine McCormick DayThe Pleiadians are very much part of our evolution right now, and I think one of the most common questions people ask, "What is in it for the Pleiadians? Why are they supporting us in this way?" The best answer is that they will benefit from our evolution, just as the whole universe will. As we evolve and come into a deeper understanding of our grandness, our sacred nature, then we become more connected into the universal community as a group, and we need to return to that whole God Consciousness state.
Christine McCormick DayIt's going to open up us to our galactic neighbors, to the energies and the life force energies that exist within the universes that we are all a part of - and they all are here, of course, supporting us in this transition for this aspect of our awakening. I think that is going to be a big shift.
Christine McCormick DayThose of us who are the way-showers, who are already on the path, will have accelerated to a point where we will hold an energetic setting for those people so they will be able to adjust and align while they integrate and reorientate themselves to who they are.
Christine McCormick DayThere is going to be an awakening energy, a remembering and understanding. A lot of very simple revelations will move through individuals during the seminar. It's a very gentle, but powerful and empowering, process suitable for everybody who comes to this process.
Christine McCormick DayWe actually allow ourselves to choose to have different experiences and to liberate ourselves to see past the illusion, past the fear of that fear, which is very strongly embedded in us as a part of the illusion here.
Christine McCormick DayThe Pleiadians are here on the planet at this time to support us in our transition. They come from the star system known as the Seven Sisters, and they are at this time living out their own incarnations.
Christine McCormick DayThrough the information the Pleiadians bring, we come into a new innate understanding of ourselves, and a new remembering. That really allows us to move forward on our path with that information. It's empowering. It puts things in perspective, back into place. It makes sense of everything that we are and what we're doing here, and what we have done and where we are going.
Christine McCormick DayIt's a very important process of self-recognition, self-introspection, by just daily accepting our creation, accepting what is right in front of us, breathing, letting go, and coming into the heart space and knowing that that fear or the struggle is part of the illusion. Just breathe that truth, because as you breathe, it filters through and you'll find that that tightness, that intensity, the fear, the worry, will dissolve. Just allow yourself not to get stuck in that.
Christine McCormick DayPeople feel like they are in turmoil and confusion, but that space of understanding also exists, and the initiations lift that density off them so that they start to glimpse something more of themselves.
Christine McCormick DayWe're being asked to bring our humanness along in holding that love and compassion for ourselves as we make our way through this energetic time of transformation.
Christine McCormick DayYes, our enlightenment process is coming, but now it's about accepting our own imperfection as a human being, and through that we come back to a place of self-love and understand the journey more - that we have come here just to have a series of experiences to learn from and that we need not do it all perfectly.
Christine McCormick Day